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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Toyota hatches Etios Liva in India

Is there anything bigger than the occasion of the world�s largest automaker entering the world�s biggest small car market with its world�s cheapest car? Phew, that was an overdose of superlatives in a single statement and it just goes on to show just how much this moment was eagerly awaited. The brand Toyota is so alarmingly strong in India that the global recalls, which almost crippled Toyota world-wide had almost no effect in India. Starting from the Corolla Altis to the Fortuner to the Landcruiser, Toyota was dominating every segment it was competing in.

Then came the Etios sedan and Toyota was no more a fringe player in India. The bookings shot through the roof and the long waitlist, which stretched for months together, forced Toyota to postpone the launch of its hatchback variant Liva. After making sure that the sedan customers have got their due and the waitlist has come down to sensible levels, Toyota has finally launched the Etios Liva in the country on 27th of June with ex-showroom prices ranging from 3.99 Lacs to about 6 Lacs, depending on the city in which it retails.

Now, don�t drool over the starting price as that variant does not even have a power steering. With people complaining about the lack of power steering in the Tata Nano, this is a shocking omission by Toyota. Having said that, hats off to the company for giving Safety Pack (ABS & Airbags) as an option even in the mid variant. If only other manufacturers learn from this and start giving ABS and Airbags as options right across the model range instead of only the top-end variants, it would be great. The Etios Liva is not as feature-rich as the i20 but is also not under-equipped either.

The front-end of the Liva with its smiling grille, small headlamps and chrome accents is carried over from the Etios sedan. In profile, the sloping windows and the thick C-Pillar has strong resemblance to the Nissan Micra. The rear end of the Liva looks much better than the sedan but the taillights are a tad oversized and the thick chrome strip is too gaudy to pass off unnoticed. I agree, Indians love chrome, but to what extent? The top-end variant that comes with chin spoiler, side skirts and roof spoiler looks sporty, especially in that unique Blue color that is being offered.

Toyota has openly stated that it will spend the next two years in India establishing the brand �Etios�. With the sedan already commanding a waiting list and making Toyota work over-time, the Liva is just going to compound those problems. The combination of its no-nonsense looks, acceptable interior quality, sensible feature levels, competitive pricing, good service reputation and above all Toyota�s bullet-proof reliability will make sure that the Etios Liva becomes a huge success. In just the first two days of launch, the Liva has already managed to garner more than 1000 bookings. But then, it is not something new as every Toyota model has succeeded big-time in India.

A hist�ria do Chevrolet Opala

Em 1966 a GM lan�a o projeto do primeiro carro brasileiro com a marca Chevrolet, "OPALA". O nome � dado pela fus�o de dois produtos da GM no exterior (Opel e Impala).

Ap�s dois anos de expectativa, o Chevrolet Opala � finalmente apresentado ao p�blico brasileiro, no Sal�o do Autom�vel em 1968, precisamente aos vinte dias do m�s de novembro. Ele chega em quatro vers�es, todos quatro portas - Opala com 4 e 6 cilindros e Opala De Luxo tamb�m 4 e 6 cilindros, todos excepcionalmente confort�veis para seis pessoas, bancos dianteiros inteiri�os, c�mbio de tr�s velocidades � frente com alavanca na coluna de dire��o, painel com poucos instrumentos, amplo porta malas e boa dirigibilidade.

No ano de 1971 surge o Opala cup�, n�o possu�a colunas laterais, o teto puxado para tr�s e perfil alongado, assim representava uma imagem mais esportiva, de carros compactos. Em seguida desapareceu a vers�o SS quatro portas, pois pelo aspecto esportivo era favor�vel sua apresenta��o em duas portas.

Como op��o permanente era oferecido dois tipos de caixa de mudan�as: Tr�s velocidades e alavanca na dire��o, ou quatro velocidades e alavanca no assoalho, onde a segunda op��o oferecia maior agilidade, economia de combust�vel e melhor desempenho, especialmente para os modelos quatro cilindros.

Foi em 1973 que toda linha Opala sofre as primeiras modifica��es. A que obteve maior resultado foi a da mec�nica do 4 cilindros: aumentou-se o di�metro dos cilindros e reduziu o curso dos pist�es. Esse motor recebeu o nome de 151 e apesar da pequena altera��o da cilindrada (2474cc), houve um consider�vel aumento de pot�ncia. Tamb�m foi introduzido o sistema de transmiss�o autom�tica, sendo opcional para 6 cilindros, e em 1974 se estendia para os ve�culos 4 cilindros.

Somente em 1975, o Chevrolet Opala sofre a maior modifica��o no seu estilo, foram redesenhadas as partes traseiras e dianteiras. O cap� recebeu um ressalto central e, para maior seguran�a, redondos encaixavam-se em molduras quadradas; as lanternas dianteiras foram instaladas na ponta dos p�ra-lamas; a grade dianteira, pintada em preto fosco, agora apresentava dois frisos horizontais. Instalados na parte traseira, quatro lanternas redondas, as duas internas funcionavam apenas como refletores e seu centro branco como luz de r�. A parte interior tamb�m sofreu modifica��es estil�sticas.

A Fam�lia continuava a crescer: a perua Caravan chegava ao mercado em 1975. Um projeto iniciado em 1971, apresentado em uma �nica vers�o 4 cilindros, a perua Caravan, podia receber opcionais como motor 6 cilindros, transmiss�o autom�tica, c�mbio tr�s ou quatro marchas, dire��o hidr�ulica ou outros, � escolha do comprador. Lan�ou-se simultaneamente, nas vers�es cup� e quatro portas, o Chevrolet Comodoro que substituiria o Gran Luxo. Intitulado como o carro de maior status da linha, normalmente vinha equipado com motor 6 cilindros de 4.100cc, 184 cv de pot�ncia e 4000rpm, carburador de duplo corpo, transmiss�o manual de quatro marchas (ou autom�tica) e dire��o hidr�ulica.

A GMB lan�ou um carro especial: O cup� 250S, um carro com maior desempenho que satisfez os compradores de modelos esportivos. Sua maior diferen�a era a prepara��o efetuada no motor de 6 cilindros, que tinha a rela��o de compress�o aumentada para 8,0:1, comando de v�lvulas trabalhado e carbura��o dupla. A pot�ncia passou a ser de 153 cv, superior a antiga, desse modo o Opala 250S obtinha a acelera��o de 0 a 100Km/h em apenas 10s.

Surgi o Opala em vers�o b�sica em duas ou quatro portas de motor 4 cilindros, substituindo os modelos Especial e De Luxo que saia do mercado. O modelo b�sico estava preparado para aceitar transforma��es com diferentes opcionais: motor de seis cilindros ou 250S; c�mbio de tr�s ou quatro marchas, manual ou autom�tico; e dire��o hidr�ulica entre outras modifica��es. Assim a partir de um modelo b�sico era poss�vel obter qualquer modelo da linha, desde o antigo Especial at� o modelo Comodoro.

Em 1975 os ve�culos foram equipados ainda com freio a disco nas rodas dianteiras, duplo circuito hidr�ulico, c�mbio de tr�s velocidades na coluna da dire��o e barra estabilizadora traseira. A mec�nica era encontrada em quatro vers�es: Motor 151b�sico (4 cilindros, 2474 cc e 90cv); Motor 151 S (4 cilindros, 2474 cc e 98 cv); 250 (6 cilindros, 4098 cc e 148 cv) e 250 S (6 cilindros, 4098 cc e 153 cv).

Manteve-se a produ��o da linha esportiva mais simples - SS 4 cilindros com motor 151S e SS 6 cilindros com mec�nica opcional do 250S, lan�ado em 1976 para se eternizar na mente dos apaixonados.

Em 1978, apesar de poucas mudan�as na linha, a Caravan tamb�m ganhou sua vers�o SS.
Em 1980 � lan�ado o Diplomata, top de linha, que contava entre outros com dire��o servo-assistida e condicionador de ar, como item de s�rie. O Diplomata conquista prefer�ncia executiva para aqueles que procuravam total conforto sobre rodas.
No ano de 1981, a linha sofre modifica��es interiores - volante inovado e painel mais atual. Em seguida lan�a-se a s�rie Silver Star. No ano de 1983 o c�mbio de 5 marchas entra no mercado.

As modifica��es ganham maior impacto deixando o Diplomata com aspecto mais agressivo - 1985. A est�tica externa do Diplomata ganha largas molduras laterais e far�is auxiliares de longo alcance. Internamente, instrumentos com novo designer e a evolu��o el�trica para controles dos vidros e retrovisores.

A nova frente, com far�is trapezoidais e lanternas traseiras por toda a largura do ve�culo � introduzido nos modelos fabricados em 1988, por dentro o volante de tr�s raios escamote�vel em sete posi��es e opcionais in�ditos com alarme sonoro para lanternas e far�is quando ligados, controle temporizado dos far�is e luz interna, vidros el�tricos com temporizador e ar condicionado com extens�o para o banco traseiro (Para o Diplomata SE estes itens eram de s�rie).

O potente motor 250S a gasolina, somente era oferecido sob encomenda e foi substitu�do por um modelo alem�o, c�mbio autom�tico de quatro marchas e bloqueio do conversor de torque. A fabrica��o do fen�meno da industria automobil�stica � encerrada. O �ltimo Opala � fabricado, no dia 16 de abril de 1992, saindo de linha a mais poderosa produ��o de conforto, durabilidade e pot�ncia, motivo evidente que deixa at� hoje milhares de admiradores, que mesmo ap�s 13 anos o consideram "O Imbat�vel".

Texto: S�rgio Luiz - Presidente do Opala Clube de S�o Jos� dos Campos


Drift com uma BMW M1 em cima de um pr�dio

A proeza foi realizada em Los Angeles no heliporto de um pr�dio:

Bmw X6 ~ Cars

bmw x6 ~ cars
bmw x6 ~ cars

LEXUS I Love What You Do To Me

LEXUS i love what you do to me
LEXUS i love what you do to me

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

New Cars 2 Movie Characters Part 2

New Cars 2 Movie Characters Part 2
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New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters
New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters
New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters
New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters
New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters
New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters
New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters
New Cars 2 Movie Characters, Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters New Cars 2 Movie Characters

New Cars 2 Movie Characters

New Cars 2 Movie Characters
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World Grand Prix contender Carla Veloso hails from Rio de Janiero, Brazil. The sweet but powerful Latin diva can dance the night away at “Car-nival,” but spends most of her time on the racetrack. After setting a new track record at the local Interlagos circuit, she was drafted to join the 24-hour endurance racing team in Europe, where she posted a consistent series of podium finishes. In the World Grand Prix, the proud Brazilian Le Motor Prototype racer is the only female in the field, and Carla is ready to prove to the world that #8 is there to win for her home country.
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In the small village of Santa Ruotina, near Porto Corsa, Italy, Luigi’s favorite uncle, Uncle Topolino, resides with his beloved wife, Mama Topolino. Uncle Topolino is the owner of the village’s tire shop, where he taught Luigi and Guido everything they know, though Uncle Topolino is full of sage advice about more than just tires.
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As a handsome forest green 1963 Jaguar Coombs Lightweight E-Type, David Hobbscap, originally from Royal Leamington Spa, England, is a worldwide racing luminary. His 30-year career in professional racing spans the globe and all types of motorsports. Now David shares that priceless knowledge as an announcer, where he’s also well known for providing comic relief during race broadcasts. A former champion with 20 starts at 24 Hours of Le Mans, his storytelling comes from personal experience. Anything but your ordinary television sportscaster, David can’t wait to enlighten and entertain the World Grand Prix audiences.
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Darrell Cartrip is a legendary multi-Piston Cup champion turned beloved racing announcer. The Kentucky-born #17 Chevrolet Monte Carlo is known for his wild color commentary, delighting Piston Cup fans with his humor, charisma and signature catch phrases—”Boogity, Boogity, Boogity! Let’s go racin’ boys!” He’s spent years on the track, in the pits and in the grease, and he’ll tell you all about it. This American Southern gentleman knows what it takes to win, and plans to bring that fervent expertise to calling the World Grand Prix.
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Siddeley is a state-of-the-art British twin-engine spy jet. At 246 feet from nose to tail and an impressive 198-foot wingspan, the super sleek silver-bodied Siddeley streaks through international skies at record-breaking mach 1 speeds. Outfitted with all the latest in high-tech spy equipment, including cloaking technology, defensive weaponry and afterburners, Siddeley is Finn’s steadfast partner-in-fighting-crime around the globe.
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Holley Shiftwell is a beautiful young British desk agent, turned rookie field spy who’s stationed in Tokyo. Well-educated and sharp, she knows every trick in the book—or rather, she relies on every trick in the spy manual. She’s armed with the latest state-of-the-art spy equipment imaginable, from hidden cameras and concealed weapons to a telescoping utility arm and a holographic pop-up display. Holley is a highly motivated agent, but is fresh out of the academy, so her experience is based on lessons learned in school rather than real-life situations. When seasoned international spy Finn McMissile requires Holley’s technical expertise for his latest top-secret field operation, she finds herself pursuing a rendezvous with the most unlikely candidate—Mater, an innocent caught up in the intrigue, who is mesmerized by the beauty of his newest friend.
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Francesco Bernoulli grew up in the shadow of the famous Monza race course in Italy where he and his friends would sneak onto the track and race the famous Pista di Alta Velocita bank turn. He was an instant winner on the amateur circuit and soon became an international Formula Racer champion. The ladies love Francesco’s open wheels, youngsters look up to his winning spirit and fellow racers envy his speed. But Francesco’s biggest fan is Francesco himself, as evidenced by his racing number. As the most famous race car in Europe, #1 Francesco is a favorite to win the World Grand Prix, which also makes him Lightning McQueen’s chief rival.
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Max Schnell started as a humble production sedan from Stuttgart, Germany. An avid amateur racer, Max would practice alone in the back roads of the dense Black Forest—a trek that eventually caught the eye of a racing team owner. Soon Max was on a professional circuit, bearing the #4, and as his horsepower increased, he converted himself to carbon fiber, dropping his weight and getting into prime racing shape. He’s won more races at Motorheimring than any other World Torque Champion League car in history. A naturally brilliant engineer, he used logic and analytics to refine his build, and plans to approach the World Grand Prix in the same perfectly calculated manner.
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Lewis Hamilton, the famously sleek and seriously fast #2 Grand Touring Sports champion, has been a determined and winning racer for nearly his entire young life. Like all youngster cars, Lewis spent his childhood going to school, taking karate lessons and winning the British Karting Championship by the age of 10. Today, the celebrated native Brit continues to bring an exceptional work ethic and soft-spoken confidence to the race course where his extraordinary achievements speak for themselves via a spotless track record on the junior and professional circuits. With his striking metallic black and yellow paint scheme, Lewis will represent Great Britain at the World Grand Prix. His car also carries the flag of Grenada, home to his family who emigrated to Britain in the 1950s. His unrivaled technical skills, natural speed ability and cool, karate-inspired attitude make him a powerful contender too.
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Known as the “World’s Greatest Rally Car,” #6 Raoul ÇaRoule was born in Alsace, France. A restless soul, Raoul joined the famous ‘Cirque du Voiture’ French circus where he learned Gymkhana – a graceful, drift-filled motorsport that taught him pinpoint timing and an unparalleled ability to navigate tricky courses with ease. He’s the first car to ever win nine consecutive rallies. Raoul is confident he can use his rally experience to pull ahead of his fellow World Grand Prix racers during the three courses’ touchy dirt sections, especially with his fans in the stands waving banners that read: “ÇaRoule Ca-Rules!”

CARS 2 (In Disney Digital 3D™ and IMAX® 3D)
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Genre: Animation/Comedy/Adventure
Rating: TBD
U.S. Release Date: June 24, 2011
Voice Talent: Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, Bonnie Hunt, Tony
Shalhoub, Cheech Marin, Jason Isaacs, Joe Mantegna, Peter Jacobson, Thomas
Director: John Lasseter
Co-Director: Brad Lewis
Producer: Denise Ream
Composer: Michael Giacchino


Cars 2 Movie Characters

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Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters Cars 2 Movie Characters
Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters Cars 2 Movie Characters
Cars 2 Movie Character Photos, Cars 2 Movie Characters Cars 2 Movie Characters

Lightning McQueen (aka Lightning)
Number 95 Lightning McQueen is still a hotshot racecar, but his rookie days are past him. Now a permanent resident of Radiator Springs, Lightning has become a bona fide worldwide celebrity as winner of four Piston Cups.

Radiator Springs resident Luigi is a big-hearted, gregarious and excitable Italian Fiat 500. A tire virtuoso and owner of Luigi’s Casa Della Tires, he and his sidekick Guido join Lightning and Mater as members of Team Lightning McQueen for the World Grand Prix. Luigi is also an aficionado and fanatic for all things Italian, and is particularly enchanted with Ferrari race cars. When the competition takes the team to his hometown of Porto Corsa, Italy, Luigi is over the moon to introduce the Radiator Springs crew to his charming village and the wonderful ways of Italy. His family welcomes the gang from Radiator Springs in a big, passionate Italian way: Amore!

Radiator Springs’ resident hippie Fillmore is an easy-going, peace-loving 1960s Volkswagen van. And as his friend and neighbor Sarge likes to say, “once a hippie, always a hippie.” At his popular shop Fillmore’s Organic Fuel, Fillmore brews his own fuel, which he sells with Bohemian accessories like tie-dyed mud flaps. But when he learns that the World Grand Prix will be run exclusively on the alternative fuel Allinol, Fillmore closes up shop and signs on as the fuel expert for Team Lightning McQueen.

Green Army Jeep Sarge is a patriotic veteran who runs the Radiator Springs Army surplus store, Sarge’s Surplus Hut. Sarge’s no-nonsense attitude often leads to bickering with his hippie friend, neighbor and polar opposite, Fillmore. Despite their differences, the two are almost inseparable – even throughout their world travels. A security specialist with military connections around the globe, Sarge joins Lightning and Mater at the World Grand Prix as a member of Team Lightning McQueen.

Mack is Lightning McQueen’s trusted long-haul driver, crisscrossing the country from race to race, always with a smile on his grill. After dropping Lightning off in Radiator Springs with his fourth Piston Cup championship trophy, Mack sets off with the rest of the pit crew for a well-deserved vacation. Who knew that Lightning would end up jetting off to a race around the globe in the World Grand Prix?

Lizzie is a Radiator Springs original. She’s a little old lady, but still an active businesswoman who uses her moxie to sell bumper stickers, mud flaps and other Route 66 memorabilia from her curio shop. She’s as feisty as she is brash. Lizzie’s unswerving frankness and offbeat comments keep the townsfolk and tourists on their toes, even though she has no idea what she’s just said.


Cars 2 Movie Character Photos

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Cars 2 Movie Character Photos Cars 2 Movie Character Photos
Cars 2 Movie Character Photos Cars 2 Movie Character Photos
Cars 2 Movie Character Photos Cars 2 Movie Character Photos
Cars 2 Movie Character Photos Cars 2 Movie Character Photos

Cars 2 is New Movies animation, 3d film is sequel to first part Cars from 2006 year. It’s produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and Walt Disney is distributed of this funny animated movie. Just like many other New Movies Cars 2 is scheduled for release in theaters for USA on June 24th, and for the UK on July 22th. Some of best actors featured voices for Cars 2 Movie, and they are Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine and Emily Mortimer. Like some other New Movies Animations, Cars 2 Will be released in Digital 3-d, IMAX 3D and2D.

Cars was second Pixar Movie, after Toy Story to have sequel. Cars 2 first plan was to scheduled movie to Summer 2012, but Pixar decided to release it whole year earlier.

Cars Movie 2

Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2
Cars Movie 2 Cars Movie 2

Cars 2 is a 2011 American computer-animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and it is the sequel to the 2006 film, Cars. In the film, race car Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson) and tow truck Mater (voiced by Larry the Cable Guy) head to Japan and Europe to compete in the World Grand Prix, but Mater becomes sidetracked with international espionage. The film is directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Brad Lewis, written by Ben Queen, and produced by Denise Ream. Cars 2 is also the first film John Lasseter has directed since the original Cars in 2006.

The film was distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and was released in the United States on June 24, 2011 and will be released in the United Kingdom on July 22, 2011. The film was presented in Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D, as well as traditional two-dimensional and IMAX formats. The film was first announced in 2008, alongside Up, Newt, and Brave (previously known as The Bear and the Bow), and it is the 12th animated film from the studio.[10][11] The film opened to mixed/average reviews from critics, and is Pixar's worst reviewed feature film to date.